Redesigning Proof Points for 120% online shopper engagement lift

In this extensive redesign, we completely revamped Provenance's Proof Points, enhancing their interaction and optimising them for mobile to amplify brands' sustainability initiatives at the point of sale.

Brands embed Provenance Proof Points in their online shops to highlight independently reviewed sustainability initiatives. The existing pill shaped Proof Point components communicated the integrity of the information, were responsive and worked reasonably well across different screens sizes. However, with the majority of online shopping happening on mobile, there was an opportunity to increase online shopper's engagement by optimising the Proof Point design for mobile screens and interactions. We successfully redesigned the Proof Points for an engagement lift of around 120%, and therefor strengthened the Provenance value proposition for our customers

Role & Results: I lead and executed the end-to-end design process, including user research, workshop planning and facilitation, wireframing, user testing, with some team input on UI design, user research, and requirements setting by Product Manager, UI Designer, and Software engineer

The Context

Existing Proof Point components were optimised to communicate concisely with high integrity, but did not necessarily encourage engagement beyond a glance.

Strategic Fit

A key value proposition of Provenance is driving engagement with sustainability content at the point of sale. Since Proof Points are crucial interaction points, enhancing their engagement would significantly strengthen this value proposition


Goal: Improve CTR of new Proof Point embed by 100%. 

Increase online shopper engagement with Proof Points to provide greater value to Provenance's prospective brand customers.

The Discovery & Design Process

Proof Point audit & insights gathering

We already had a wealth of information on what worked and what didn't with our current Proof Point design. Compiling insights from previous research and customer conversations provided a strong starting point.

From issues to opportunities
To generate opportunities, we asked "How Might We ..." (HMW) questions to reframe issues into starting points for idea generation. 

Workshop to collaboratively explore solutions

To facilitate collaboration and idea generation, I organised a full-day workshop inspired by the GV Design Sprint framework. The agenda guided participants through various stages:

Refining concepts and prepare options for user testing

There were a range of important design, usability, and technical criteria that this new design needed to fulfil:

A/B testing using online user research platform

I wrote a detailed user research plan to test a range of assumptions we made.

Does our design of the 'Engagement Bundle' improve CTR by 100%?
(CTR = any micro-interaction with our content, e.g. swipe, toggle, etc.)

Improve the engagement with PPs from a shopper perspective in order to provide more value to our DTC brand customers.


Detailed synthesis of user testing results (expand to view)

Using an online UI design testing platform, we tested the old Proof Points (Group A) against the new design (Group B) and reviewed the result against three different goals:

Delivery & launch

Throughout the project, we reached out to existing customers to inform them about the upcoming update of the Proof Point embed. Amongst a range of beauty customers, Tropic Skincare were a keen early adaptor to test the new Proof Point design on their online shop. 

Initial analytics indicated an increase in engagement (swipe, click, etc.) by 120% 

To ensure a well structured design system and the ability to  reuse existing code, we integrated this new asset as part of our existing Proof Point components in a modular way. After rigorous QA, the new design was also placed behind a feature flag to launch it as a Beta feature to a limited number of champion customers. 

Different design options to represent Proof Points, with the new Proof Point Engagement card in the centre

Project Details

This is a live feature embedded in most Provenance clients Ecommerce environments. My responsibility was to go through the discovery (Alignment, Research, Ideation) and manage the design (Creation, Validation, Refinement) stages of this feature. Apart from me, there was a Product Manager involved, who lead on requirements and provided feedback to proposed solutions; a UI designer who translated my wireframes into hi-fi UI screens; and an engineer who advised on feasibility throughout the full process and built the feature once it was validated.